August 29, 2024

Our insights from sending over 1,000,000 cold emails

Discover the key lessons from sending over 1,000,000 cold emails, booking 1,363 calls, and making $2.3m.

Our insights from sending over 1,000,000 cold emails
We sent over 1,000,000 cold emails, booked 1,363 calls, and made $2.3m

In this blog, we will share the 9 essential strategies we used to successfully send over 1,000,000 cold emails, book 1,363 calls, and make $2.3 million. These insights will help you stop getting ghosted and start making real money from your cold email campaigns.


  • Tell them a valid reason why you’re contacting them: Be clear and specific about why you’re reaching out
  • Don’t use fake personalisation: Avoid superficial personal touches that feel inauthentic
  • Understand market sophistication and identification: Know your audience's level of awareness and adjust your approach accordingly
  • They need to believe that you truly understand them: Show genuine understanding of their needs and pain points


  • The success of a cold email greatly depends on your offer: Your offer must be compelling and relevant
  • The agency space is flooded with copy-and-paste agencies: Stand out by avoiding generic offers that everyone else is using
  • Connect results to being fast and easy: Make it clear that your solution is efficient and straightforward
  • Present a new opportunity they’ve never seen: Introduce something innovative or unique
  • Highlight something they should be aware of but are behind on: Show them what they might be missing out on
  • Make it easy to apply and implement: Ensure your offer is actionable with minimal effort
  • Solve a big problem consistently: Address significant issues reliably
  • Target one specific person: Personalise your message to the individual, not just the company
  • Make it feel real: Use genuine, relatable examples and testimonials
  • If your offer isn’t strong, use a lead magnet and a guarantee: Provide something valuable upfront and assure them with a risk-free promise

Cycle Angles

  • Cycle through claims, pains, and desires until you find what resonates: Test different approaches to discover what works best
  • Double down once you’ve found product-market fit (PMF): Focus on the strategies that prove successful

Sell the reply

  • Some offers are so difficult to get replies for that it’s almost not worth running them: Use lead magnets like the Growth Plan to engage prospects
  • Don’t go straight for the kill: Aim for a reply first to start a conversation

Play to their ego

Address them as leaders with incredible products, use this script as an example:

“Hey {name}, not sure if this is for you but figured we’d ask. We’ve been working with Education leaders like yourself who have an incredible product but would agree their sales and marketing might need work to reach that next level"


  • These people you’re contacting are busy: Keep your email short and conversational
  • Write an email, keep it direct and quantifiable: Ensure they can understand it in 5 seconds
  • Write it, then remove 30% of the words: Simplify your message
  • Even send it to yourself to see what it looks like: Test for readability


  • Follow up with people 5, 10, even 20 times if needed: Persistence is key
  • Don’t give up if they don’t instantly book a call: Keep trying because the potential reward is significant


  • Most people create marketing without fully understanding the customer: Deeply understand your target audience
  • Winning marketing campaigns come from understanding the customer: Know how they will react to your message
  • Look at your scripts, messaging, and funnel, and ask, “How would this target market respond?”: Tailor your approach to their perspective
  • Write emails in Gmail to mimic natural email communication: Make your emails feel personal and authentic
  • Templates stop working quickly, leading to instant deletions: Customise your messages to avoid being ignored
  • Think about the “quick question” approach and its effectiveness: Use effective, proven strategies to engage

Exist Online

  • Most people create marketing without fully understanding the customer: Deeply understand your target audience
  • Winning marketing campaigns come from understanding the customer: Know how they will react to your message
  • Look at your scripts, messaging, and funnel, and ask, “How would this target market respond?” Tailor your approach to their perspective
  • Write emails in Gmail to mimic natural email communication: Make your emails feel personal and authentic
  • Templates stop working quickly, leading to instant deletions: Customise your messages to avoid being ignored
  • Think about the “quick question” approach and its effectiveness: Use effective, proven strategies to engage

By following these strategies, you can significantly improve your cold email outreach, reduce the chances of being ghosted, and increase your chances of making real money.

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